Saturday, April 26, 2014

It's been a while...

Recently I've been blogging some on my new website, and that is super exciting. If you want to check it out, it's here! I'll be updating all of my blogs with similar content from now on, unless I try to figure out what I want out each of them, then I'll do that, and yeah...

I'm currently working on my Media Production degree and ATTEMPTING to get a minor in Screenwriting.... HA.

I have less than a month left of my second year at college. I AM MEGA DONE. But I have been having some incredible experiences lately! I just went to see Childish Gambino (AKA Donald Glover) with my brother. What a talented dude.

ALSO: This Thursday I'm seeing Needtobreathe for the 3rd time! And Foy Vance who is probably in my top 5 favorite artists of all time. He is incredible. So I'm extremely excited right now. LIKE really.

I've almost completed my first draft of my spec script for my teleplay course. It's not as great as I envisioned going in, but I feel like this was great practice and taught me a lot about the process.

If I haven't already said it, I love to sing. Lately I've been thinking more and more about how I feel like I'm wasting my youth and time to actually try to do something vocally. I really want to attempt to focus on music this summer. I don't know if it will ever amount to anything, but I don't want to be asking what could have been when I'm 30, ya know? I hate time, it ruins lives. Anyywayyyss~

I'm going to leave you with one of my favorite songs at the moment from the afore mentioned "Foy Vance". He is lovely and extraordinary and all the good things.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Cynical Christmas

This is what I’ve been fondly referring to as my 
"Cynical Christmas.”

I’ve been trying and trying to get into the hallowed “Christmas Spirit” but I’m just feeling really annoyed and lazy right now. Ever since my third semester in college drew to a close, I have been stuck in this; sleep all day, eat bread, cry, eat more bread, watch depressing low-budget films, fangirl over YouTube guys that live in far-away lands, avoid productivity, hate myself RUT.

Like, what the heck? Anyone else feeling my pain?

Christmas has always been my very favorite holiday and time of year. I look forward to it for months, and now I’m just throwing this one away because I can’t seem to be happy!? NO!

Today is Christmas Eve, and I AM GOING TO BE JOLLY, GOSH-DARNIT.

SO--- I’ve come up with a playlist of songs that are reviving my Christmas-feels, yet still embracing the ones of angst and pain that are here to stay.

It’s saving my Christmas lyfe:

1. ‘Snow' -- Sleeping At Last
2. ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside -- Haley Reinhart, Casey Abrams
3. ’This Time of Year -- Katie Costello
4. The Christmas Song -- Ella Fitzgerald
5. 'Christmas Lights' -- Coldplay
6. 'Have Yourself a Merry Litttle Christmas' -- Weaver At The Loom
7. 'Angels We Have Heard On High' -- Sixpence None The Richer
8. 'Sleigh Ride’ -- The Rifles
9. 'Silent Night’ -- Joshua Hyslop
10. 'January White’ --Sleeping At Last

I’ve also compiled a few of my favorite Christmas film classics that never cease to remind me of the reason for the season. 

Made sure they were bearing all of the tasty Christmas cliches:

1. Just Friends -- Ryan Reynolds, Anna Faris, etc. (Greatest comedy of life)
2. It’s A Wonderful Life -- Because it’s a freaking classic and has the man of all men, Jimmy.
3. The Holiday -- Cameron Diaz and (my favorite actress) Kate Winslet (THIS IS MY FAVORITE FILM LET ME TAKE TWO LINES TO EMPHASIZE, THANKS) 

I WILL EMBRACE THIS CYNIC NONSENSE. And I will also accept that this Christmas just feels a bit different than years passed, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be just as wonderful. 

If you are like me, you may be feeling like this Christmas is a bit lack-luster, and if so, I hope I inspired something in you to go out and find dat Kridmus! So, here’s to being depressed but still diving, fuzzy-socks and all, into the wonder-filled happiness that is “this time of year.” 


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Interesting Thoughts on ‘Blurred Lines’ and that Whole Conundrum.

To quote a comment from Facebook (from a discussion found on ‘Overheard at Missouri State’) by a Missouri State student named Jiana 'Ji Ji’ West,

"Interesting trivia: Justin Timberlake originally wanted this song (Blurred Lines) for 20/20 Experience but Pharrell Williams, the writer, had already said he would give it to Thicke. Now wouldn't THAT have been interesting?"

…Okay so, I agree with most people who say: that this song is COMPLETELY objectifying to women. I also feel like it’s fueling the fire of society’s tolerance with sexualizing every part of woman, and only measuring a woman’s worth by what she can give to a man. That all being said, the VMA performance really didn’t help this song, and also Thicke’s persona and other music didn’t really help either. I think it’s a catchy tune that people can dance to. Before I was told to read the lyrics, I didn’t have a problem with anything but the video. It’s like we all are just content with ignorance. Does anyone really accept what we hear in these songs as “the norm” or “acceptable?” I don’t know? I really do like listening to the song. Would I let my daughter or son listen to it? Probably not. When did it become okay to push ethical and explicit boundaries? Is it really a bad thing?
I think if JT had released this song, there would have been some VERY different reactions.
I wonder if JT still wishes it was his?
Would he have been glad that it gained such popularity, or upset from the backlash that followed?
Interesting to think about.
Like. We all love JT.
Here’s a link to the original conversation the quote derives from if you’re a MSU student. Some funny commentary back and forth there. I’m finding that college students are quite funny these days.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Little Bit of 'New Girl' Related Trivia-ish?

Jake Johnson of 'New Girl' recently retweeted this old advertisement of his former sketch-group called 'The Midwesterners' 
The name, I'm guessing, came from his roots in Illinois, but this troupe was actually performing in New York while he was at NYU's Tisch.. (thanks, WIKI). 
Anyways. I love Jake.
I'm from the Midwest.
And I have enormous amounts of love for this little bit of trivia. 

For more on this man and his wonder... 
Google or something. 


Friday, June 7, 2013

'The Internship' was perfect.

If the fact that the whole film opened with Vaughn and Wilson singing along to 'Ironic' by Alanis Morissette isn't enough to make you go see this one, I don't know what is! 
Seriously. Anyone asking themselves how watching Vince Vaughn for two hours is a good idea should know that this is the most likable character he has ever played ...and probably will ever play. 
The themes and subject matter were lighthearted and full of positivity. There were numerous laugh-out-loud moments and you left feeling genuinely good. A game of Quidditch even took place! 
Some could say it was a bit predicable with maybe a hint of cheese, but honestly-- that seems to be lacking in a lot of films today... and I'm a girl who loves that kinda' thing. 
Overall, greatest part of this film was how it relates to, and makes light of,  the changing of times involving technology, and how it has created a HUGE division between our generation and the ones that came before us. I, for one, really loved seeing two old men trying to figure out what heck BETA and HTML mean.
...And it also inspired me to do the same. 
So, watch this peach... You'll be glad ya' did. 
Also, look out for Dylan O'brien who plays the attractive, yet arrogant, team member of Vaughn and Wilson in the 'Google' competition. He's going to be huge in coming years. 
And he's really pretty to look at. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Two Big Opportunities and Two Big Leaps for Jesskind.

You know that feeling of pure terror, when you’re awoken by the brash “Marimba” ringtone, accompanied by a number that you can’t identify, and the decision to either answer, or simply let it go to Voicemail? Well, I faced this terror roughly an hour ago. (Yes, I sleep-in late because I’m a college student living at home getting like 3 hours of work each month…) 


Luckily I answered the phone, because it ended up being an incredible call from the Worship Leader from my church. He started by inviting me to help produce and film the Small Group videos for my church’s Fall Small Group series (which is huge because these videos will be leading people through their studies for months). So that was amazing. (And extremely frightening because I have no idea what camera they even use, and no idea if I even remember a thing about producing videos from my few failed attempts throughout high school.) So there’s that exciting news, and an opportunity to serve the Church and God (maybe, if I’m even capable).

Also, he brought up the dreaded question of "why I haven’t continued to lead worship for my church (during High School, I lead Worship for the teen service) and why I was hesitant." I gave him the same answer I have been giving to everyone, which is "there are plenty of fantastic voices and plenty of people willing and WANTING to serve the church in that way, so I never have felt like it was right to do that." (Who knows if that’s the real reason I have yet to join the worship team again, because in the past I have felt apprehensive for numerous reasons. Sometimes I find myself, while singing on stage, worrying about what I look like or how I am perceived, and also how I may not be living the life I am called to, in the right way.) I care so much about what others think, and rarely even give any of my time to God, so how am I worthy enough to lead others in worshiping Him? These questions develop doubt in my ability to really serve in the Church. So I guess I will contemplate that moral dilemma, and smile all day about the fact that our head Preacher/Pastor/Minister (whatever Church word you want to use) told our Worship Leader that I needed to be on the worship team (it’s just really a confidence booster, because Wayne, the head Minister, is probably the most musically talented man I know) Now all I need is confidence in my heart for God, and not my voice… 
Moral of the story…
This day is great, and also very confusing. SELF DOUBT, MAN. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

‘Girls’ Season Two Finale

First of all, was that not the best conclusion to the season even possibly imaginable? With all the intensity and rawness from the season, we need a little sappy montage-ish love dash that concluded with a tender kiss from two former lovers. I’m talking about the closing scene in which Adam runs to Hannah, shirtless, in a fit of passion… Holy crap, I am in love with these characters. 
Obviously Marnie and Charlie are my favorite new (or renewed) couple. These two have slowly switched roles, and I find it super charming that he has now become the wanted one. Considering how Marnie always wanted more from their previous relationship, he deserves the chance to show her what she is missing. PLUS, Charlie (Christopher Abbott) has also developed this overwhelmingly-dreamy-yet-humble thing that he’s sporting, and he has made me fall in love with him even more. I mean-- if men like this exsist, point me in the right direction, PLEASE.

Brava, ‘Girls!’
You have given all of us "depressed" and "feeling-lost" viewers the hope of love with a man that thinks you’re beautiful even though you have OCD, don’t work out, and cut your hair off in a fit of insanity (however completely unrealistic that is). All in a matter of a few wonderful minutes, this finale had me broken down to the point of tears only to resolve into genius and give me the most uplifting and love-drunk feeling all tHrOuGh my veins. Relationships going where they needed to and people falling apart just in time to be put back together again. 
 …except Ray.
Poor Ray.