Friday, June 7, 2013

'The Internship' was perfect.

If the fact that the whole film opened with Vaughn and Wilson singing along to 'Ironic' by Alanis Morissette isn't enough to make you go see this one, I don't know what is! 
Seriously. Anyone asking themselves how watching Vince Vaughn for two hours is a good idea should know that this is the most likable character he has ever played ...and probably will ever play. 
The themes and subject matter were lighthearted and full of positivity. There were numerous laugh-out-loud moments and you left feeling genuinely good. A game of Quidditch even took place! 
Some could say it was a bit predicable with maybe a hint of cheese, but honestly-- that seems to be lacking in a lot of films today... and I'm a girl who loves that kinda' thing. 
Overall, greatest part of this film was how it relates to, and makes light of,  the changing of times involving technology, and how it has created a HUGE division between our generation and the ones that came before us. I, for one, really loved seeing two old men trying to figure out what heck BETA and HTML mean.
...And it also inspired me to do the same. 
So, watch this peach... You'll be glad ya' did. 
Also, look out for Dylan O'brien who plays the attractive, yet arrogant, team member of Vaughn and Wilson in the 'Google' competition. He's going to be huge in coming years. 
And he's really pretty to look at. 

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