Sunday, March 17, 2013

‘Girls’ Season Two Finale

First of all, was that not the best conclusion to the season even possibly imaginable? With all the intensity and rawness from the season, we need a little sappy montage-ish love dash that concluded with a tender kiss from two former lovers. I’m talking about the closing scene in which Adam runs to Hannah, shirtless, in a fit of passion… Holy crap, I am in love with these characters. 
Obviously Marnie and Charlie are my favorite new (or renewed) couple. These two have slowly switched roles, and I find it super charming that he has now become the wanted one. Considering how Marnie always wanted more from their previous relationship, he deserves the chance to show her what she is missing. PLUS, Charlie (Christopher Abbott) has also developed this overwhelmingly-dreamy-yet-humble thing that he’s sporting, and he has made me fall in love with him even more. I mean-- if men like this exsist, point me in the right direction, PLEASE.

Brava, ‘Girls!’
You have given all of us "depressed" and "feeling-lost" viewers the hope of love with a man that thinks you’re beautiful even though you have OCD, don’t work out, and cut your hair off in a fit of insanity (however completely unrealistic that is). All in a matter of a few wonderful minutes, this finale had me broken down to the point of tears only to resolve into genius and give me the most uplifting and love-drunk feeling all tHrOuGh my veins. Relationships going where they needed to and people falling apart just in time to be put back together again. 
 …except Ray.
Poor Ray.

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