Sunday, March 17, 2013

On a Whim.

I have decided to reach past my humble ‘tumblr' demographic of 70-ish followers and create a blog. 
I don’t usually commit to things, so I’ll probably stop posting after a week, sdfjskdfb.
                           Figure 1: Me. (Before I got red hair. Updated pic coming soon, maybe) 

The blog’s name comes from my inherit love of alliteration and my frequent failure in being consistent
I really suck at doing anything I say I will.
Hmm, what else?
…I've wanted to be a musician since I knew what music was, I like to write, FILM IS COO, I have a knack for listening, I am terrible at making it to class, I am currently “undeclared” and I have a feeling I will be single and alone for the rest of my life, sooo…

I also read sometimes, but only really sappy and realistic fiction-y stuff. But, my favorite author is Fitzgerald because I became borderline obsessed with him my senior year of high school. I do get obsessed with things quite often. And more often than that, I give up on things or lose interest. 
Except when it comes to friends-- I like dose all de timez.

In this blog, I plan to write what I think about stuff.
I like to talk about myself in a way that makes me sound interesting and overly humble, and I also like to sound really hip, so if and when I mention pop-culutre and stuff, I do so in hopes that it will lead you to believe that I am, in actuality, “hip.”

I also have very bad grammar, so feel free to mind-edit whilst your scanning. 

Hope to hear from you, or whatever it is you do on this thing. 

Wait-- Blogging is hip, right?

Alrighty, then.

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