Monday, December 23, 2013

Cynical Christmas

This is what I’ve been fondly referring to as my 
"Cynical Christmas.”

I’ve been trying and trying to get into the hallowed “Christmas Spirit” but I’m just feeling really annoyed and lazy right now. Ever since my third semester in college drew to a close, I have been stuck in this; sleep all day, eat bread, cry, eat more bread, watch depressing low-budget films, fangirl over YouTube guys that live in far-away lands, avoid productivity, hate myself RUT.

Like, what the heck? Anyone else feeling my pain?

Christmas has always been my very favorite holiday and time of year. I look forward to it for months, and now I’m just throwing this one away because I can’t seem to be happy!? NO!

Today is Christmas Eve, and I AM GOING TO BE JOLLY, GOSH-DARNIT.

SO--- I’ve come up with a playlist of songs that are reviving my Christmas-feels, yet still embracing the ones of angst and pain that are here to stay.

It’s saving my Christmas lyfe:

1. ‘Snow' -- Sleeping At Last
2. ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside -- Haley Reinhart, Casey Abrams
3. ’This Time of Year -- Katie Costello
4. The Christmas Song -- Ella Fitzgerald
5. 'Christmas Lights' -- Coldplay
6. 'Have Yourself a Merry Litttle Christmas' -- Weaver At The Loom
7. 'Angels We Have Heard On High' -- Sixpence None The Richer
8. 'Sleigh Ride’ -- The Rifles
9. 'Silent Night’ -- Joshua Hyslop
10. 'January White’ --Sleeping At Last

I’ve also compiled a few of my favorite Christmas film classics that never cease to remind me of the reason for the season. 

Made sure they were bearing all of the tasty Christmas cliches:

1. Just Friends -- Ryan Reynolds, Anna Faris, etc. (Greatest comedy of life)
2. It’s A Wonderful Life -- Because it’s a freaking classic and has the man of all men, Jimmy.
3. The Holiday -- Cameron Diaz and (my favorite actress) Kate Winslet (THIS IS MY FAVORITE FILM LET ME TAKE TWO LINES TO EMPHASIZE, THANKS) 

I WILL EMBRACE THIS CYNIC NONSENSE. And I will also accept that this Christmas just feels a bit different than years passed, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be just as wonderful. 

If you are like me, you may be feeling like this Christmas is a bit lack-luster, and if so, I hope I inspired something in you to go out and find dat Kridmus! So, here’s to being depressed but still diving, fuzzy-socks and all, into the wonder-filled happiness that is “this time of year.” 


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