Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Interesting Thoughts on ‘Blurred Lines’ and that Whole Conundrum.

To quote a comment from Facebook (from a discussion found on ‘Overheard at Missouri State’) by a Missouri State student named Jiana 'Ji Ji’ West,

"Interesting trivia: Justin Timberlake originally wanted this song (Blurred Lines) for 20/20 Experience but Pharrell Williams, the writer, had already said he would give it to Thicke. Now wouldn't THAT have been interesting?"

…Okay so, I agree with most people who say: that this song is COMPLETELY objectifying to women. I also feel like it’s fueling the fire of society’s tolerance with sexualizing every part of woman, and only measuring a woman’s worth by what she can give to a man. That all being said, the VMA performance really didn’t help this song, and also Thicke’s persona and other music didn’t really help either. I think it’s a catchy tune that people can dance to. Before I was told to read the lyrics, I didn’t have a problem with anything but the video. It’s like we all are just content with ignorance. Does anyone really accept what we hear in these songs as “the norm” or “acceptable?” I don’t know? I really do like listening to the song. Would I let my daughter or son listen to it? Probably not. When did it become okay to push ethical and explicit boundaries? Is it really a bad thing?
I think if JT had released this song, there would have been some VERY different reactions.
I wonder if JT still wishes it was his?
Would he have been glad that it gained such popularity, or upset from the backlash that followed?
Interesting to think about.
Like. We all love JT.
Here’s a link to the original conversation the quote derives from if you’re a MSU student. Some funny commentary back and forth there. I’m finding that college students are quite funny these days.
